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 Our career in public administration is mainly about how the State treats the people and the feedback that the people give to the State, be it in the creation of laws, social projects, institutions, public enterprises and others. Where we as public officials must do everything in our power to solve the problems of the people. About the opportunity of studies, I would have liked to improve the bases of research, learn to developed more techniques and with more practices oriented to our future work, I mean mix between theory and practice, as in my years of career I have experienced that they see only the theoretical and time later the practical, which makes confusion in some students, as I think they should go hand in hand and not a semester or a year later.

These last weeks have been terrible for me, too much stress, too much working too little time to do all the tasks, so I do not have much time to rest and sleep, making this last week I can only sleep 3 to 4 hours a day, but at least I am happy because academically I have donde better compared to other years.

Our faculty is located at 1724 Huérfanos street, it is a 5-story building, a central hall, a backyard and a small library that before the union with the new career of political science made us a very small space, now whit the return to face-to-face classes it will be too close and without being able to respect the physical distance.

I´m sure that once I leave the university the "promise land" will be inaugurated, a new, modern and giant building that was expected to be inaugurated by 2020, hence its name Vicuña Mackenna 20, but with the events since October 18 and the subsequent pandemic it became a stalled project. 


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 One of the hobbies I like to do when I have free time is to spend hours on YouTube or Netflix, watching any series or movie that appears in the recommendations, before the pandemic I used to go many times to the movies, even going to 2 shows a day when the premieres were good, in a movie theater I became a platinum customer because of the frequency in which I went, getting great discounts and promotions. Another activity I like to do is to watch and play with my pets and birds in their daily lives, either when I feed them, when I walk them, when they are free, I do it when I have a lot of tension or stress and it helps me to clear and relax my mind. What changed the most during the confinement was the amount of time you have without doing anything, time that you can dedicate to enrich yourself, either intellectually, sports, cultural, catch up with novels that you had pending. At least in my case I play online games and there is one that obsesses me whose name is League of Legends...


 One of the ways to reverse climate change would be: be efficient in the use of electricity, promote and finance renewable energy resources such as wind or solar energy, use less water, either for bathing, washing the car, eat less animal food, because they spend a lot of water and food recourses, plant trees and avoid monoculture, use less single-use plastics, among others. I am glad to know that there are some countries that have managed to advance hand in hand with sustainability and pollution as Iceland and other Scandinavian countries, which achieve to reduce and recycle much or all of their trash and ensure a high quality of life with people. Respecting environmental laws and punishing those who damage them. I believe that this same interest in saving the earth should be implemented throughout the world or at least in the case of Chile, which has all the natural resources to be a power in the use of 100% renewable electricity, with solar energy in the north, wind energy on th...


 I would like to work in a quiet job or municipality, possibly in a rural area or town that does not have a large population. When I came to study this career I knew that I had a job field, but once inside I could see the scope of the career and know that it has a lot of specialization topics and job options, so with an academic base plus a good thesis project, you can be called to any job. As a type of job I would like to be an office worker who is in a flexible schedule job, possibly creating of supervising social projects, representing public institutions and making this a better country, I would like to be able to travel on the job, have some language certification and travel abroad for work and vacation.  One of the plans I have in the medium term after leaving the University is to continue with my studies, but possibly not to do a master`s degree. I know that I want to continue with the formation of my Curriculum, I just do know how, on the other hand, I have another ide...