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 A place I would like to visit in the future would be the Maldives Islands which are in the Indic Ocean, it is a paradisiacal place, extremely beautiful and somewhat expensive, so I would like to go in a few more years, after having a job and having saved, since, it is a very exclusive place for certain type of visitors.

But it is a place that has an expiration date because if climate change continues at the current rate, the sea level will have risen enough and will have swallowed all the islands, leaving only the photos of millions of tourists as a vestige of what it was in the past, another part that I would also like to go be European countries like Germany or the Netherlands, either to meet people, history or its natural landscapes, but in my opinion I think the best landscapes in Europe are in Switzerland, the land of the banks, milk and chocolate.

Speaking of concrete times, I think I would like to go there in about 8 years approximately  after having worked enough and fulfilled other expectations or personal life projects, that my finances are well and that the landscapes are there, many many things can happen in 8 years such as wars, floods, storms, droughts, human errors that can make the landscapes or places change from one moment to another, for example the Amazon at the rate it is going could be left are trees in the medium term.


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